Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Life Artist The Album...

Another Great Class By Ria Nirwana
Using Canvas as the base of the album
Acrylic paint for transfer technic and
introducing us to medium Gel,
that i found very useful and make an importan part in scrapbooking

 it's about passion...
my passion...
 also as a portofolio of the project i made
layouts, albums, framed...
 learn how to transfer the copied paper into
this beautiful canvas

 broaden my 'small scrapbooking world' into the new one
open new perspectives
 arent they're beautiful?
Make arts..not war...

"Art is not what you see,
But what you make others see"

Just Me

not soo into pink..
so i mix with red and come another
"Narcist Me Layout" 
 love the deatils,
but couldn't find this kind of paper anywhere anymore...hikss...
fallin' in love with this creatures over and over again..
i just love this layout a lot

My Sanctuary...The Scrap Room

My dream Room...
at last...after all this time..using the bed room, living room as my studio
i could have a room dedicated to my self for doing all these nice tings, all these nice stuff...
still Re-Decorating the room
new black magnet board, new shelves, new container
still need a washtafel though for the watering stuff, painting and so on..
well, catch up with that soon :)
here comes the new shelves
and the new "portrait of US" painting
so much change from the first day it arrived at my home..
but still full with all the toys and figurine and the bearistas...
heres another shelves..
not yet in it's best capacity, but already filled in
Yes! You can call me "Bottle collecor",
but hey...they're usefull oneday..
like these one...
using all the Starbuck's Bottle for all my buttons
aren't they're cute?
well actually there are still lots of things in this tiny room,
not to mention the Superman Corner :)
i'll post it ASAP, After i finish decorating it..

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"Special" The workshop..

Sesudah melewati perdebatan bathin yang cukup panjang (apa cobaaa...)
akhirnya terlaksana juga deh, the first workshop...
dengan segala keterbatasan...Alhamdulillah lancar, dan semua senang :)
thank you untuk semua pihak yang sudah membantu terlaksananya acara ini dan sudah mensupport lahir bathin...
dan ternyata..hahaha...membagi ilmu itu sangat menyenangkan..
it's not about the money, but the moment, the priceless look they had, and all the happy face they shared through the class...
hopefully this will lead to another great class...
thanks for Fadil, Nisa, Uci, Tia, Dinda and Rizki..
hahahaha...yaps!! Senangnya punya murid2 angkatan pertama....selamat pamer ke temen2 yaa....

here goes the class:

hari ini mencoba membuat 2 layout 12x12" berdasarkan request mereka
tentang "Someone Secial"
menggunakan warna biru sebagai dasarnya and dicampur dengan warna lain juga
 Kondisi kelas, saat baru di mulain...
Berantakan? hoho..ini belum seberapa..
yang ini baru setengah jadi...
Goo Nisa...
Do i already looked like a teacher? hahaha...
Saat Break, Saatnya Pizza...ternyata nafsu makan saat mengerjakan srap tidak terganggu sedikitpun
and ketauan deh yang ngabisin pizza nya... :)

 One of hasil layout 
Ini punya Rizky :)

Agak kaget, begitu masuk kelas and mendapati ada dua murid laki laki yang ikutan scrapboo-an
secara..untuk di Indonesia, selama mengikuti kelas kelas or gathering, or perkumpulan scrapbooking,
sanga amat langka ada cowok yang ikutan kelas scrapbook
tapi ternyata..
hasilnya semua OK punya deh! baik cewek or cowok...
and amazed aja dengan antusiasme yang tinggi untuk minta workshop berikutnya di adain..
setidaknya, merasakan senangnya that "HAPPY FACE" saat layout nya selesai :)
sayangnya...schedule yang harusnya cuma 3 jam, molor jadi 6 jam...hahahah
baru berasa deh kayak abis marathon begitu sampe rumah...pegeeelll

but really had fun !

Note for myself :
pelajaran berharga yang di dapat di hari ini....
jangan membuatkan kit yang berbeda untuk workshop or kelas or apapun namanya, kalau isinya semua anak sekolahan
soalnyaaa.... diawal pad berebutan milih sesuai kesukaan masin masing #bikin pusing
Jadi tau deh kenapa anak2 sekolahan akhirnya di haruskan memakai seragam :p

Thursday, November 4, 2010